In order to connect to a wireless network KONFERENCJE of Gdansk University of Technology, please follow the steps below.

Please find the "KONFERENCJE" network in the ether, and order your machine to connect to it. Open your web browser and type in any website address (eg. The browser displays the rules of the Gdansk University of Technology Computer Network. The rules should be read and accepted. Accept the rules by pressing the [Accept] button below the content of the rules. Upon acceptance the browser will be automatically redirected to the appropriate login page where you should enter your credentials (a pair username & password) got before by email from ''.

The above credentials can be used only by you to connect to a wireless network of Gdansk University of Technology. The credentials cannnot be shared with other users. Inclusion of the credentials in your mail message does not break the general rule of non sending important passwords via email without adequate encryption.

In case of problems please contact the HelpDesk team of Gdansk University of Technology ( call +48 58 347 63 37, Main Building, room number 256C).
Aktualizacja: kwiecień 2016
Opracowanie: Zespół administratorów WETI PG

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